Bulk Data

Bulk Data

The U.S. Department of Justice makes select collections available in bulk in a machine-readable format (i.e. CSV, XML) via our Bulk Data Repository. Bulk data refers to putting all static data into a file or set of files, so that all of the data can be acquired with downloads. The bulk download facility provides the entire contents of each major data set in independent ZIP files.

Bulk data is currently available in CSV or XML formats. Bulk files are encoded as iso-8859-1 (or ansi for Windows platform users). All bulk data files are updated daily.

Latest bulk download files:

Format Download File Size Last Published Description


List of all registrant data (active and terminated)


List of URLs to all registrant docs (available in PDF format)


List of all short form registrants (active and terminated)


List of all foreign principals (active and terminated)


In addition to the Bulk Data Repository you can access and query available datasets in multiple formats (e.g. CSV, XML, JSON) via the FARA.gov API. Learn more in the API Introductory Tutorial.